Monday, May 21, 2012

You Changed Him, Now You Don't Want Him

You Changed Him, Now You Don\'t Want Him

The man laying next to you is a stranger. You no longer know who he is and when you look in the mirror you realize that you are forgetting who the person is that is staring back at you. That feeling of escape is overwhelming. You yearn for freedom but you don't know from what, because in actual fact there is nothing overtly wrong with your life.

You are not the only one who feels this way. You may feel all alone, but in actual fact it is extremely common to feel this way. Personally, I have questioned whether we are meant to spend our entire lives with just one person. But hey, I'm a guy. I'm supposed to think that way.

A healthy connection between two people long term has countless advantages over continually swapping partners. Of course, my body would tell me otherwise (Remember, I am a guy).

When you first met your partner you found him warm, open, loving, sexual and fun. The man laying next to you is cold, unemotional, withdrawn, predictable, definitely not sexual (with you anyway...) and rarely fun.

You think that you are unhappy in the relationship and can't understand how you ended up this way. In your solace, you lash out at him. You yell at him, trying to get a reaction, but he just won't bite, You are about to give up and just run.

That movie, Eat, Pray, Love is making a whole lot of sense at this point. But don't worry, the man you are laying next to gave up long ago. The way you look at him is the way he looks at you. the disconnect is a two way street.

One massive problem comes from trying to always change your partners habits. From a guys perspective, this has always plagued our relationships with long term girlfriends and it drives us crazy.

But what happens when you finally crack us and we fall in to line with your vision of how you want us to be? What happens when we cease to be a challenge? The good tension slackens and apathy slowly sets in to our loving relationships.

Many women find that they just don't want their man anymore. Many find that what they thought they wanted was not at all true and sometimes, just sometimes, it is too late to get their old man back.

Relationship audio books online are telling us some powerful information; that love either evolves or it dies. For both men and women, that cute little habit you once loved about your partner became the almost the very thing that destroyed you both in the end.

It is heartbreaking when you feel the end of your relationship coming. You are both on a road headed toward a cliff. the breaks don't work and the steering wheel and doors are locked. But you are not headed there at full speed. You are always in first gear; slow and steady.

Emptiness is all that is left.

For a man, his biggest sign that he is out of love, is not in his words to you or that he doesn't want to buy you gifts. Strangely it is that while he still still thinks about sex constantly and how much he loves sex, he just cannot get physically aroused around you. Men who just can't get physically excited around their lobg term partner are essentially out of love.

Your man is nothing like the man you met. He has changed and not for the better. You are ready to walk away.

Is there any coming back from this? Hell yes! As you head toward the cliff, you break those windows, climb out together and walk back to base together.

Audio books that we download online advocate giving freedom to your partner for them to be able to find themselves once again.

Remember, before you both met, you both had goals and dreams. Normally, a marriage prevents many of those dreams coming true. It is time to support each other entirely to complete those goals, regardless of how much it bothers or frustrates you.

Does your many want to jump out of a plane. Help him fo it. Do you want to go on a cruise with just you and your best friend, but he is worried you will find somebody else? He must support you in going. For me, I would help you book that cruise. i would drive you to the terminal and kiss you goodbye.

Great relationship advice is easy to be found, but it is hard to implement it all because we can be too emotionally invested in the old way of doing things. Our envy and jealousy stops us.

But if you are now at the point where you just don't care what your man does with his time; that is disconnection no longer bothers you and you don't care what time of night he comes home, because you prefer to be alone or with your friends, you are in deep trouble.

It is time to save your relationship, because believe it or not, the man you have, if he has been a good man, is the one person you do not want to lose. You can win it back. If you know that he is a good man at his essence, it is time to win him back with his freedom.

Sit down and talk to him about what he wants. Don't ever be insulted when you hear the truth. You will find so many thoughts and resentments built up in his mind. You will really see that the man you changed over time is just the person he thought you wanted him to be, and his real self is what he shows to his friends and family, and it is that guy you once fell in love with.

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